Saturday, October 13, 2012

New encryption method avoids hacks by saving your password in multiple locations

Taken from:

One of the central problems in modern computer security is the need to protect an ever-increasing amount of user data from an enormous array of potential threats. Researchers at the security firm RSA have proposed a new method of securing passwords from database hacks: breaking them into pieces and storing them in separation locations. From the user’s perspective, nothing would change — you’d visit a website, type your password, and log in normally.
Server-side authentication, however, would be considerably different. Currently, when you transmit a password to a website, the password is typically hashed or encrypted in some fashion. The server doesn’t actually store your password in plaintext, but the encrypted value of your password. Cryptographic hashing functions are theoretically reversible, but well-designed hashes are impossible to brute-force within reasonable amounts of time, using conventional hardware. The problem with this approach is it looks good in theory, but is often flawed in practice.
What RSA is proposing is a system that would break a password into two halves, and then store each half in different locations — perhaps on a different hard disk in the same data center, or maybe on the other side of the world. The separate versions are then hashed again to create a new string. The two password servers would then compare the new string to determine if the hash values match. If they do, the password is legitimate. If they don’t, the login fails.
Splitting the password between multiple servers ensures that if one server was compromised, the hackers would gain nothing but halved hash values with no way to combine them into an appropriate authentication scheme. Without knowledge of the second combination function, there’s no way to reverse engineer the hashes back to plaintext. The halved password hashes themselves would refresh periodically, further limiting the usefulness of a database hack.
This last issue highlights one of the most frustrating facts about online security. The size and scope of the technical attack vectors is overwhelming and shifts on a yearly basis as new methods are discovered or come into vogue. Still, the RSA approach does at least close one potential loophole, and it’s scalable. The current implementation uses two servers, but the method could be deployed across four or more separate locations.

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